I tried submitting a practice recording but am unable to, what do I do

I tried submitting a practice recording but am unable to, what do I do

  1. For the audio recorder to successfully capture user audio, the microphone permission must be enabled in the browser
  2. This permission will be asked in a prompt on clicking the audio recorder

  1. The interface of the prompt is browser-dependent and will be different for different browsers.
  2. If you don’t see the prompt, check the microphone settings in the browser.
  3. In Chrome this can be checked by clicking on the settings for your browser
  4. Please check for “Privacy and Security” settings
  5. Post selection of Privacy and Security, select “Site Settings” option
  6. Under “Site Settings”, please select “Microphone” and allow usage by our website shankarmahadevanacademy.com
  7. Once allowed, please refresh the page for our website
  8. This will allow the recorder to function
  9. Post this check, please ensure that you test your microphone for input as well as output
  10. This can be done by doing a dummy practice recording and listening to it
  11. If the problem still persists, please raise a ticket with us

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